Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekly Check-in Fri Jan 21 - Thurs Jan 27

Fri Jan 21

Volleyball League $100 *
Lunch $6.45
Total: $106.45

Sat Jan 22

Night out $50

Sun Jan 23
Post Office $18.85
Grocery $25
Total: $43.85

Mon Jan 24
Money Free Day

Tues Jan 25
Cupcakes: $12
Take out Indian food $22.49
Total: $34.49

Wed Jan 26

Money Free Day!!

Thurs Jan 27

Dinner $19.40

Weekly Total: $254.19

* I start playing Recreational Volleyball next month. I have one more payment of $65. It is for 11 weeks.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Earning extra income

In a prior post, I mentioned that I have a way to pay for my credit card expenditures from last week.

I mentioned that I have a professional designation and through networking and asking a lot of questions, I now have a part time job.

I will be working with the education program to mark papers and exams. Really exciting, thrilling stuff! More geek time for me, but if I am lucky I will earn an extra $10K in the next 6 months. This is of course, if I give up 2/3 weeks of my vacation this year to mark exams. It’s a hard trade off but really required in this year that I am trying to set myself up for future success.
I plan to spend:
• ~$1K on new furniture. I feel that it is extremely important to create a place of relaxation and enjoyment in my home. I am not comfortable amongst my mish mash of furniture and it keeps me on edge. Based on this I have already spent $200 on my bookcase. I am going to try and actually wait until I have my 1st cheque before I purchase anything else.
• ~$2.6K will go into my RRSP, which of course is the Condo/ MBA fund
• ~$5K will pay off a monster size chunk of debt!

Important to note: that tax will not be deducted from this amount, since it is contract income.

I will have to do a bit of research of how one handles contract income and what taxes I have to pay. This of course will impact how my earnings will be distributed. I hope that with some luck, I will continue to do the monthly portion of this for another year or two and that will be gravy income to buff up my savings!

For me tax planning is really important because my marginal tax rate is about 31% and any additional income just throws me higher and higher into those almost robbery tax brackets.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Shoes, I want new shoes.

I feel like a junkie in the need of a fix (Not that I know how that really feels.)
Shoes. I need to buy SHOOES.

I don’t know what has come over me today but my heart races in the thoughts of sparkly disco ball mile high stilettos. I just want to slip my feet into a brand new pair, twirl around in the store surrounded by even more shoes and bring out that credit card so that they can come home with me. They will surely make friends with all of the other shoes in my closet.

Oh the joy that will be!

I haven’t stepped in a mall since Boxing day, even then I was limited to my list of purchases. Oh, I went cold turkey and now 1 month later, all I can think of is a pair of shiny disco ball stilettos.

How wonderful the brand new shoe will feel against my foot. How tall they will make me. I will be the girl with the shiny shoes. The shiny- turn- heads –they- are –so- beautiful shoes.

How will I be able to restrain myself? I have the feeling that if I get into the car it will drive me to the mall instead of home. If I go on the internet my fingers will simply search out the perfect pair.


Think of anything else, perhaps work… SHOES.

*le sigh*

*le very deep sigh*

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A little contest

Since I started exploring the world of personal finance blogging I have discovered that of course I am not the only one in this financial situation and blogging about it.
I found this great blogger through Toronto Star's Moneyville advice site.

On her blog, Give me back my Five Bucks, Krystal shares lots of great tips and personal experiences.

Right now she has an awesome Contest to win Quicken Financial Software.
I use excel for my finances but would love to see what Quicken can do!
So here is my shout out to see if I can win it!!!

Spending Summary Fri Jan 14- Thurs Jan 2o

Fri Jan 14

Lunch $15

Sat Jan 15
Winners $48.57 *

Sun Jan 16

Gas 48.78
Food 68.59
Total: $117.37

Mon Jan 17


Tues Jan 18
Lunch $15
Post Office $7.75
Total: $22.75

Wed Jan 19


Thurs Jan 20

Dinner 10.72

Week Total: $214.41

* I was invited to a party for a little girl and decided to pick up a gift for her at Winners. Since in my head I was picturing spending about $30 and her gifts came to less than $15... I got myself a new purse.....I really needed it, none of the purses I have right now fit my needs or well specific mood of what my purse should be.s

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I am a bit loopy...

Out of sight out of mind…. Well partially.

I did not receive my phone bill prior to me paying it. I just paid the usual amount and kept on tracking on. I received the bill a few days later and just filed it away unopened.

Well, that nice BlackBerry Torch I have been using so lovingly was on that bill! This meant that I was late in paying it and received a nasty call from my service provider.

Why why did I not remember to add this to my budget, I see the phone literally every minute of the day.
So now I am out an extra $107, this month.

For some reason I am really slipping this year, since I am usually on the ball when it comes to these things.

Please note, even though it is not related to the above, I got hit by a volleyball in the head during my Sunday practice. This resulted in my spacing out during the rest of the training, to the point that the trainer had to yell at me to stay “awake”. The next day:
• I almost walked out without my pants on in the morning. Luckily, I realized this as I was putting my boots on.
• When I got to my car, I saw that I had left the light on in my car overnight. New car = good battery!
• Took a wrong turn on the way to work and didn’t realize for good 5 mins.
• When I got to work my desk key was not on my key chain, it was the only key missing. I had to have security get me a new key and got a firm lecture about safety.

Since it is now 3 days later and I am still alive, I think that means no permanent damage was done. Also, I am thinking my spaz like behavior cannot be externally blamed. I tried though!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Weekly Check in Jan 7th - Jan 14th

Weekly check in or time to come clean....

Fri Jan 7th

Volleyball - $79 - 4 week clinic - Credit card
Windshield washer Fluid, tea & lotto ticket $15
Total: $94

Sat Jan 8th

Sun Jan 9th

Gas $45
Grocery $99 *
Starbuck $4.15
Total: $148.15

Mon Jan 10th


Tues Jan 11


Wed Jan 12

Ikea bookcase $190.97** credit card
Dinner $5.65
Total: $196.62

Thurs Jan 13

Fri Jan 14
Lunch $15
Spa $15.65
Total: 30.65

Week Total: $469.42

* I do spend insane amount of money on groceries given that I am a one person + cat household. There was... 3 workout T-shirts purchased in there... there were on clearance less than $10 each....
** The bookcase I have been wanting, needing, dreaming about went on sale from $249 to $169 for one day only. It was good for my sanity to purchase it, I couldn't stare at the bookcase from my ex's parents any longer. I do have a plan to pay for this.
*** This is where the single part comes in I guess... there are some things I cannot cut back on and that is my monthly visit to the spa. It was cheaper this time around because I still had some gift certificates from before the 'challenge' started. It is usually $55 +tax +tip.

YES I AM FAILING....but I am going to keep on trying!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Am I ready for home ownership?

Waving financial matters to the side, home ownership for a single girl, is it a good idea?

Last week, my toilet broke and wouldn’t flush, I had to go into the cold water tanky thing and manually move the big black blob to flush it. Well, I called my super and half hour later he was there with a cart full of interesting instruments and 10 minutes after that my toilet was doing the happy flush dance. He had to replace the whole mechanism back there, because it basically deteriorates in water over time. He gave me a quick, serious lecture on the thing, but in one ear out the other.

Yesterday, I tried to turn on my cold water tap in my kitchen and it just spun and spun without water coming out. Again, I called my super and they will go in and fix it.

Over a year ago, I couldn’t unplug my bathtub drain, no matter how much I struggled with the plunger and how many different unplug-drain liquids I poured. They had to send a plumber in to put a giant hole in my wall in order to get to the pipe that was plugged by…get ready for it… my kitchen sink. Apparently it is very rare that the bathroom and kitchen drain into the same pipe, but of course if it will happen it will happen to me. There was drilling, and cutting and basically a giant hole in my wall, which was fixed within 3 days without any scares to the wall to indicate the mad hole. If you can’t tell, I was very disturbed by the hole, as I had strange images of monsters coming out of there or loosing my cat in it. Yes, over exaggerated it in my head, since it was an internal wall and really no monsters live there, but you get the idea.

This got me thinking this morning, what if there was no super? What happens when I don’t have access to someone to fix the un-flushing toilet, the dry tap or unplug my bathtub drain? What do I do then? I don’t have easy access to a know-it-all dad, or any other kind of handy man friend. Does this mean I will have to either call a super expensive plumber for something as small as the change of some rubbery thingy-majic inside a tap, would he laugh at me as he hands me an outrageous bill? Or would I be certain that I can learn how to fix it from a book and try my hand at fixing it? Suddenly, I have a strange vision manifest itself of water gushing like a fountain out all of my taps. Cold, freezing water that cannot be stopped…

This is what my mind is pondering today.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekly Summary Fri Dec 31 2010 to Thurs Jan 6th 2011

Again, I am late.
We switched decades, but was I able to switch my spending?

Fri Dec 31 2010

Hotel $77.50 - The Hilton Garden Inn proved to be very affordable at $160/night for New Years Eve. The rest of the hotels were at about $300/night! (this is special work discount from my sis' work)

Night out $50 (including dinner) I was sick so not much drinking happened that night. This includes $30 for the club!
Total $127.20

Sat. Jan 1, 2011

No Spend day! ( well I did buy a Starbucks latte but it was on a gift card)

Sun. Jan 2, 2011

A true no spend day!!!

Mon. Jan 3, 2011

Prescription $11.98

Tues. Jan 4th, 2011

Buckley's for my cough $14.68
(tastes like serious crap, but it did help me)
Starbucks $4.15 ( I can't find my gift card :()

Total: $18.83

Wed, Jan 5th, 2011

Grocery: $57.68

Thurs, Jan 6th.2011

Art Supplies $63.27

Week Total:$279.26

I am over budget, mainly due to the art supplies. I am a painter and I had this incredible craving to paint after 3.5 years.
No excuse, should have budgeted for it. Again BIG FAIL on the no shopping rule.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Saved by Santa?

Eeek I was $.70 away from an NSF 3 days ago and almost again today.

By some luck somehow, I was $.70 away from a $40 fine for a NSF.
I don't like to keep money in my checking account and since my pay started being deposited into my account bi-weekly instead of bi-monthly, I am a bit of a mess. As a rule, I use one pay to pay for rent and fixed expenses and the other for variable expenses, savings and debt repayment.
My car payment comes out bi-weekly but on opposite week than my pay,so I transfer money to my credit line in a weak attempt to 1. Save on interest and 2. Not to spend the money by mistake. I only keep my spending money in my checking account.

Three days ago, I took out money for New Years Eve and a day later realized that my car payment was due as well. I had forgotten to transfer the car payment back to my checking account. In a fever I checked the balance on my account and it was $.70!!!
By some stroke of sheer luck I had avoided the nasty NSF fine and what's worse defaulting on my car payment by accident. I never EVER want to default on a payment and mainly because I didn't remember to transfer the funds.
To do this week: Call Car loan and switch so that the payment comes from the checking account I don't use.

And today! I realized that it is the 4th and my car insurance should have come out. Again, I had forgotten to transfer the funds! Again!
To my delight, due to the holidays it looks like they are late and the payment had not come through.
Saved by Santa?

Monday, January 3, 2011

January - What's on my plate...

Well, I just added $365 + HST to my credit card as my gym membership was due for renewal. I bargained it down from the $399 I paid last year. The bonus of my previous job was that we actually had $450/year to spend on gym memberships or any other physical activity. New job, no such luck.
Also, I signed up for an introductory photography course for $275, which will be my Monday and Wednesday nights for 6 weeks. This is something I have really wanted to do and is part of my future plan to be out there in the world as a self employed woman. If that happens I will happily be juggling 2-3 different jobs to earn my living. The corporate world and I are seeing eye to eye less and less lately.
Sundays I will have volleyball clinic = $80 for 4 weeks. After that in February the plan is to join a volleyball league that will have games on Tuesdays for 11 weeks.
Somehow, somewhere along the line I realized that I am perhaps doing a little too much and made the wise decisions to postponed some of the activities I have planned until April/May.

The second level of the photography class is filling up fast for an April start, but I am not going to book it until I finish the first one. Plus I am not sure if I will have the funds for it squared away. Again, no credit cards, remember!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Weekly Check in: Fri Dec 24th - Thurs Dec 30th 2010

I am a bit late for my weekly check in, I planned to do it on Fridays, but last week I picked up the flu and it was a nightmare. And if we add New Year's eve recovery to it, you get the picture.

Grocery $17.05

No spend day

Gifts 23.61
Gifts 33.9
Belt 21.18
Night Out 20

Grocery 17.69
Gifts 9.58

Brunch 18
Gifts 5.64
Art Supplies 20.85

No Spend day

Grocery 17.95

Weekly Total $205.45

I didn't do too bad, but this is mainly because I spent most of my week in bed. Also, as you see there was a bit of Holiday gift buying involved as well.
The plan is too keep my weekly spending about $200.
I decided to track my 'careful' spending for the next month in order to see where my money goes and then create my budget.