Wednesday, August 10, 2011

August Goal Keeper Update

Goal Keeper update!!! Woooohoooo time!

+720 Side income
+200 Savings for school

I have a giant long distance bill looming over me, and I mean it will be about 300 mins of long distance big...... This is why I am not putting any money in my EF or Travel fund. I am waiting to get the bill and pay it.

The New York trip was paid from the Travel fund $120 + $400 from side income.
The rest went to debt repayment.

August is a triple pay month for me and with some luck I will be putting a nice chunk of change towards the debt repayment.

I really want to take a photo class this fall, but for this I will need to buy a $1K camera and I am going to do my best and close my eyes and do the right thing by repaying some debt instead of spending the money. Not going to be easy not to yield to temptation.

August 11th EDIT: Phone bill came in and from the $300 I budgeted it was only $210!!!
The difference goes to this weekend's unexpected hotel expense. The price you pay for traveling +1 :P

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