Monday, May 9, 2011

Weekly Check in April 29 - May 6

Friday April 29
$7 Starbucks
$15 Night Out
Total $22

Saturday April 30

Money Free Day!

Sunday May 1
$95 Grocery
$58 Gas
Total $153

Monday May 2
Money Free day!

Tuesday May 3
$7 Starbucks
$8 Lunch
Total $15

Wednesday May 4
$8 Grocery
$4 Starbucks
Total $12

Thursday May 5
$11 Jacob
$15 Dessert
Total $26

Weekly Total $228

$28 Over budget. I partially blame the gas prices, the same tank of gas cost me $38 3 months ago.
I also did a bit of shopping and proudly walked out with only $11 worth of items!
Yes I should be watching that Starbucks bill, but I need to escape from the office and going for a coffee is a good excuse.
Also my grocery bill for one person is through the roof, $95! I have to figure out how to lower this.

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, money free days. I can't see to recall my last one! :(
