Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This and That

I have been blog MIA for the last little bit, and the real life peeps who read this are not letting me forget it!

So here it is, a life update:

Dating… well I am not but at the same time I have been on about 3 or so dates this month and of course 3 or so different men. Some new, some not. Again, I am not dating, just to make this clear. I am not actively out there in the trenches, but some things cannot be avoided.
My first date, as sweet as it was, was with a guy I had dated Feb to April. We ‘reconnected’ but it turned out the man had a girlfriend the whole time. That explains his less than perfect ‘attendance’ record. I found out via Facebook like a high school kid. I never add men to FB or try to dig up things on them. From now on I am full blown investigator! I don’t want an innocent face to fool me again. How does it go: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.

The second date is with this guy that is scared to make any moves. So I just enjoy watching him struggle. In my opinion, if you want something you should go and get it. Don’t have the guts to do it, ha! I will have fun with it. And I also saved $50 on a cab back from the airport, because he picked me up. I know, I am bad. But $50!

And that’s all I am saying on the dating front.

My road trip to NYC is now booked! My coworker is moving there to get her MBA at Columbia and the two of us are driving her and her worldly possessions to the City that Never Sleeps. I scored my return ticket for $110 USD from Delta, which with the favourable exchange rate is even cheaper! The rental car on the way there is $150. We are staying at her new digs, so it will be free! It’s going to be a phenomenal and super cheap trip.

I am super excited that after a crazy IKEA midnight sale experience, I scored the dresser I wanted for $89 original price $299!!! I am beyond excited for this. It comes out of my $80/month spend on whatever budget! Now I have to figure out a way to get the boxes up to my place and then put it together. Eeek!

In work news, I got a surprise raise and was told that in my level I rank in the top 10%! That's pretty major! I didn't expect it at all and it made me feel pretty smug!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Weekly Check in Sun June 12 - Thurs June 16

I am starting on the Sunday since I did not come back from vacation until Saturday night. My spending on vacation was previously budgeted for.

Sun June 12

$57 Grocery

Mon June 13
No money day!

Tues June 14
$10 Dinner
$40 Pedicure (instead of a flower I have packman like thing puking sparkles, don't want to talk about it)
Total $50

Wed June 15
$60 Gas+lottery ticket
$12 Lunch
$25 Grocery
Total $97

Thurs June 16
$10 contribution to baby shower gift for coworker
$5 Lunch
Total $15

Weekly Total $219

I thought that I would be under budget this week, this is why writing everything down comes in handy.

I had to put close to $1K on my credit card for professional dues this week, it should be reimbursed to me by my company. Hoping it will be pretty soon!

I have decided to start using my PC Mastercard for purchases going forward. The deal with myself is that I will pay it off weekly. I created an on-line account and can keep track of it. It used to be that if it went on my Cr Card I forgot it happened. Now it will be tracked and I will take advantage of the points! If I do not follow my rules I will stop using it.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Goal Keeper Updates!

I love it when it is mid month and I get to update my progress! Mid month pay cheque is all about bill payment and savings!

+720 Side Income
+250 Savings for School
+93 Emergency fund
+185 Travel fund

I found an extra $185 in my account left over from the last 2 weeks since I was away traveling and so it moves to the newly created Travel fund! There is a possibility that I will be going to NYC or LA or both in 2 months and I have to really try to find some extra cash for that. Both are really cheap opportunities to travel and I really want to take advantage of them.

As a side note my last Bell Canada bill came in and they are charging me for service I didn't have plus installations that didn't happen. I will have to spend hours on the phone with them today ;(

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Hello from Europe!

I forgot to mention that I will be in Europe for the next week and a half. I am actually here, sitting the kitchen I grew up in, working away in the exact place I ate every meal for years!
I saw my little brother get married today.
I wish him love and happiness!

I am also extremely jet lagged, even though I can hardly keep my eyes open, I cannot sleep. I get jet lagged like this when I come home from Europe, but not the opposite as it is happening now.

I hope tonight I am able to sleep, since I am keeping myself awake as much as possible.

Goodbye for now and will posts updates when I get home!